Matthews Buses has been certified a “Platinum Support” dealer by Thomas Built Buses in recognition of our commitment to delivering a premier customer service experience, in a consistent manner, at a good value.

Instituted by Thomas Built Buses in 2015, the Platinum Support program implements lean concepts to continuously improve the customer experience. Dealers are judged on 123 criteria in 24 different areas in order to attain certification and are expected to do self-assessments through weekly audits in order to maintain certification. The back bone of the program is the “5S” model: Sort, Set in Order, Shine, Standardize and Sustain.

The Platinum Support Program requires participation from every department and all levels of management in an effort to continually upgrade the performance of the dealer. Facilities, processes and performance metrics are used to determine how to better service our customers. And, the customer has a voice as well with our customer feedback, gleaned from the answers received on our Service Surveys, a key ingredient in improving the experience of doing business with Matthews Buses.

Matthews Buses will review its performance regularly with recommended upgrades added continuously. Thomas Built Buses will monitor that progress on an annual basis in order to renew the Platinum Support designation for Matthews…all in an effort to make your experience the best ever as we begin our second 50 years!


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